The Truth About Colorectal Cancer in Rajasthan

There is a lot of information possible about breast and other general cancers, but you do not usually hear about Colorectal Cancer in Rajasthan (cancer in the colon or rectum).

The culprit may be its embarrassing nature or perceived negative experience with screening and arrangement. However, cancer is one of the most treatable cancers with everyday screening.

There are some basic misconceptions about cancer and it is great why you learn the truth.

Colorectal Cancer in Rajasthan

Colorectal cancer can be stopped.

truth. When adults are selected for cancer, it can be detected at a step when treatment is common proper to be successful, and in some examples, it is limited through the exposure and removal of early polyps can go.

Most examples of cancer rise as small, great clumps of cells or polyps. Over time, these polyps can become cancerous. Polyps can be short and produce few if any, symptoms. For this reason, doctors suggest regular screening to help stop cancer by knowing polyps before turning to cancer.

Colorectal cancer is a disease that attacks most men.

false. cancer strikes both men and women. While the risk of increasing cancer is slightly lower for women than men, it is still that the third leading purpose of cancer-related deaths in women is about 50,260 deaths in 2017 among women in Cancer Surgery Hospital In Ahmedabad. Everyone discusses their risk with their doctor.

Only people 50 and older are needed to be screened for colorectal cancer.

false. Regular cancer screening should begin at 50 for people at medium risk. However, there are many factors that place people at risk for improving cancer. For people at high risk, doctors may suggest starting regular screening or screening more frequently at an earlier age.

The risk spreads when you are older than 50, younger people are also interested in cancer. A study published in the February 2017 issue of the Raj Surgical Oncology Care that new cases of cancer are growing among young and middle-aged adults in the Rajasthan. The risk of colon cancer is double that of people born around 1950 and the risk of rectal cancer is four-way. 

Colorectal Cancer in Rajasthan

Other factors that improve the risk of colorectal cancer insert:
  • Being overweight or fat
  • Smoking
  • Heavy drink use
  • Dietary fat and low fiber
  • Personal records or colorectal polyps or  cancer
  • Family history of colorectal polyps or  cancer
  • The special history of inflammatory bowel disease, ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease
  • Racial and ethnic background
  • African Americans in the U.S. Have the highest cancer incidence and mortality among all racial groups.
  • Some inherited gene mutations
Dr. Murtuza I. Laxmidhar at Raj Surgical Oncology Care offers a collaborative and caring approach to the diagnosis and treatment of patients with confirmed or suspected cancer. To learn more, please call 079-26587736/37/38.


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