Here you have to know about the treatment of Head and Neck Cancer Surgeon in Gujarat

Head and Neck Cancer Surgeon in Gujarat - The term "head and neck cancer" is generally used to explain cancer that happens in the larynx or voice box, throat, sinus, mouth, or nose.  Cancers in other areas of the head and neck, such as brain cancer, parathyroid cancer, eye cancer, and esophageal cancer are commonly not involved in this category because their diagnosis and treatment can vary greatly for cancer of the mouth, throat, nose. , Sinus and  Most head and neck cancers are squamous cell cancers, which suggests that they begin in level or squamous cells that form the cover layer of tissues in the head and neck.
Head and Neck Cancer Surgeon in Gujarat
Managing a cancer diagnosis is never simple. If you are diagnosed with head or neck cancer, there are three foremost treatment options: surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. Typically, some aggregate of surgery and radiation therapy is recommended as primary treatment, while chemotherapy is administered as a complementary treatment. However, your particular treatment modalities will depend on the level of your cancer and its location.

Will your cancer demand surgery?

Not all head and neck cancers demand surgery. If your cancer is in its early stages and has not yet spread, you can bypass surgery. In this early stage, most doctors suggest choosing either radiation therapy or surgery to remove the cancerous tumor.

When surgeons remove a cancerous tumor, they normally remove a large amount of healthy tissue surrounding the tumor. This is done to prevent the recurrence of cancer. However, when it comes to head and neck cancer, such a surgical procedure may mean missing a big portion of the oral and facial arrangements. You may require reconstructive surgery next you have your tumor ordered, and even with reconstructive surgery, your show may change and you may suffer from some failure of function. 
Conventional radiation treatment is useful for head and neck tumors, but untreated radiation therapy can damage healthy tissues. Precise-targeted radiation therapy for head and neck tumors can kill cancer tissue while minimizing damage to healthy tissue surrounding the tumor.

Head and Neck Cancer Surgeon in Rajasthan

What can you require as radiation treatment?

Prior to radiation therapy, you will need to travel with a radiation oncologist who will take your medical history and perform a physical examination. You will consult with other members of your treatment team at this time, including pathologists, radiologists, dentists and head and neck surgeons.

The treatment plan will be initiated with a CT scan or X-ray to help direct the radiation to your treatment team's plan. You will usually start radiation therapy a day or two later and receive treatment for five to seven weeks, twice a week, for five days. Your first two treatments may take one to two hours, but subsequent treatments will probably take less than an hour.

Side effects of radiation treatment usually look at least two weeks after starting treatment. The various common side impact of radiation treatment for head and neck cancer is a sore throat. New targeted radiation technologies can properly protect your healthy tissues from injury and limit side effects. Nevertheless, you should mention any side impacts, pain or discomfort to your treatment team so that you can receive proper palliative care.

Raj Surgical Oncology Care - Radiation treatment single is often useful for head and neck cancers that have not spread. The latest treatment modalities allow doctors to target cancer cells, keeping healthy cells intact. The drug can give relief from any side effects.


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